BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
FREE-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xC1Ff2Ad96473989607439F92C2cdE1686FBf9a3E | $67,800.38 | 90.81% | $0.00000017 | |
FREE-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xec9ee317f0039d40883a0ac5bf91bc5dd142e73a | $6,826.40 | 9.14% | $0.00000017 | |
FREE-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x3962a288fdc67764ec00f3bdd0fce9944ad8b5b7 | $20.48 | 0.03% | $0.00000039 | |
FREE-Cake | Pancake LPs | 0x775c40c8205faa67fa2423345782ba846a8e1013 | $4.56 | 0.01% | $0.00000054 | |
FREE-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xce0e486Fc64FCF0fB228245feA0583547c87cfa7 | $3.91 | 0.01% | $0.00000044 | |
FREE-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0xc353d9bf9b11c258cA65435327f95D282EAaDDd6 | $2.49 | 0.00% | $0.00000041 | |
FREE-CAKE | Pancake LPs | 0x64AC9af25b13B60026b43B281E0975Ff9B136FA5 | $0.08 | 0.00% | $0.00000046 | |
FREE-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xab5e9485eb623b9e4586d20a33697226726b3646 | $0.05 | 0.00% | $0.00000030 | |
FREE-ETH | Pancake LPs | 0x528b9fc3ec6bd567ce4107176bcccd998ddeabb5 | $0.04 | 0.00% | $0.00000070 | |
FREE-JULb | Pancake LPs | 0x56bc8b3127ae5890825dfe3bcea2bd120bd5c8cb | $0.00 | 0.00% | $0.00000001 | |
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