BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
YFI-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xCE383277847f8217392eeA98C5a8B4a7D27811b0 | $8,373.17 | 42.20% | $8,664.67 | |
YFI-WBNB | ApeSwapFinance LPs | 0xA3421Bd2B3B1578FF43Ab95C10f667e5A3bbCeF7 | $7,813.07 | 39.38% | $8,696.30 | |
YFI-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x68Ff2ca47D27db5Ac0b5c46587645835dD51D3C1 | $3,589.23 | 18.09% | $8,688.43 | |
YFI-EARS | Pancake LPs | 0x5159f88dea44603b705b96993fffcbf49b39482d | $58.41 | 0.29% | $11,285.97 | |
YFI-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xfffad7374c894E65b498BDBD489a9a5324A59F60 | $8.27 | 0.04% | $10,091.69 | |
YFI-PNIX | Pancake LPs | 0x6c1850e510a9711b760b92b90d8850671984f1a1 | $0.22 | 0.00% | $12,079.97 | |
YFI-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xc0f03AC5598AA882528a979A118c8092Ab3ee5b3 | $0.00 | 0.00% | $28,042.82 | |
YFI-YFII | Pancake LPs | 0xa03e2f06584305f8950e64acb77dfc9a5b8daf06 | $0.00 | 0.00% | $12,661.30 |
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