BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
LINK-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x824eb9faDFb377394430d2744fa7C42916DE3eCe | $838,500.72 | 85.45% | $22.77 | |
LINK-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xaeBE45E3a03B734c68e5557AE04BFC76917B4686 | $90,551.47 | 9.23% | $22.74 | |
LINK-WBNB | ApeSwapFinance LPs | 0x092ADA3818DB7FBb8e0A2124Ff218C5125C1CcE6 | $23,277.35 | 2.37% | $22.80 | |
LINK-WBNB | Biswap LPs | 0x16Fe21c91c426E603977b1C6EcD59Fc510a518C2 | $18,454.64 | 1.88% | $22.80 | |
LINK-WBNB | PantherSwap LPs | 0xbb69899353775E960476d389cDE9438A155249b4 | $3,235.30 | 0.33% | $22.43 | |
LINK-WBNB | MDEX LP Token | 0x9bDa8bdE8F2F3C5a267a610CD2410cDA69d59a98 | $2,572.95 | 0.26% | $22.46 | |
LINK-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x653684A7eDB13E44425845A88b2cee741E95B782 | $2,446.34 | 0.25% | $22.42 | |
LINK-BUSD | MDEX LP Token | 0x9fee39a59F60CDCcd81163d37a63C2E0B761Ccd4 | $796.96 | 0.08% | $10.27 | |
LINK-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0x00c4849e82d574b02f43c0f84b131dcc9cabfc49 | $504.86 | 0.05% | $19.68 | |
LINK-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x380941fFd7b7cbf4AEbBfa8A26aa80c2f6570909 | $295.71 | 0.03% | $20.19 | |
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The oracle of the Binance Smart Chain, which is a blockchain-based middleware, acting as a bridge between cryptocurrency smart contracts, data feeds, APIs and traditional bank account payments.
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