BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
TWT-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x3DcB1787a95D2ea0Eb7d00887704EeBF0D79bb13 | $462,048.78 | 39.12% | $1.06 | |
TWT-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x610e7a287c27dfFcaC0F0a94f547Cc1B770cF483 | $434,390.28 | 36.78% | $1.06 | |
TWT-WBNB | ApeSwapFinance LPs | 0x4c48D692e3de076C7b844B956b28cdd1DD5C0945 | $185,460.35 | 15.70% | $1.06 | |
TWT-WBNB | Biswap LPs | 0xF1A12EC907B3d87b6De7a9A5C3820566c621f68B | $86,483.25 | 7.32% | $1.06 | |
TWT-Cake | Pancake LPs | 0xe89161246b6f8448a5dfc2959217192026babc7c | $2,973.40 | 0.25% | $1.06 | |
TWT-WBNB | PantherSwap LPs | 0x6348eC6F0763d02f9387c53b6D9c55d2C3c95ae9 | $2,851.05 | 0.24% | $1.06 | |
TWT-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x34910518Faf5bfd3a4D15ccFE104B63f06ee3d85 | $999.58 | 0.08% | $1.31 | |
TWT-REEF | Pancake LPs | 0x9209e454e86c50f02d6337cccd5c91eb1a57c36b | $983.10 | 0.08% | $1.07 | |
TWT-CAKE | Pancake LPs | 0x4b8B9B2C0A0fE00E50E996a52e3579a2E88BAfA4 | $981.28 | 0.08% | $1.53 | |
TWT-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0x65f898950e1759d95b5aae15f452e37c5bbe641e | $964.74 | 0.08% | $1.57 | |
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TWT is the official token of Trust Wallet, a mobile-based cryptocurrency wallet that is used for trading, buying, and selling NFT's & cryptocurrencies as a BEP-20 asset. TWT is supported in over thirty three blockchains which contain in total over 250,000 assets. Based on the Binance Smart Chain model, easy user interface is emphasized. Trust Wallet users enjoy cryptocurrency purchase discounts, and governance participation that help shape the future of the asset.
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