BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
THOREUM-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xe859b6a32d953a0ece0027c0fc8575571862c0bb | $59,963.00 | 97.01% | $0.0000198 | |
THOREUM-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x1edde65bbde8a7d88d0d563b8d6b5378b38e4432 | $1,056.38 | 1.71% | $0.000141 | |
THOREUM-USDC | Pancake LPs | 0x811229adf04be156138a8cdb069f330766b71117 | $439.09 | 0.71% | $0.000139 | |
THOREUM-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0x6594a90d41ae84fc5615d376ec59838744737bd7 | $353.09 | 0.57% | $0.0000968 | |
THOREUM-CAKE | Pancake LPs | 0xbe1e32575c3e6544547dcbe4399b98e90e2058e2 | $2.03 | 0.00% | $0.00000015 |
Thoreum is a hyper-deflationary, liquidity mining token that claims to be the world's first liquidity mining with static rewards. Thoreum is a BEP-20 token on the Binance Smart Chain that offers double staking rewards. Thoreum users can either stake to compound its growth or earn other third party tokens. Thoreum token owners earn real static rewards up to 40% by holding the coins in their personal wallets.
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