BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
EPS-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xf9045866e7b372DeF1EFf3712CE55FAc1A98dAF0 | $142,190.05 | 58.23% | $0.0217 | |
EPS-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xddE420cbB3794ebD8FFC3Ac69F9c78e5d1411870 | $98,400.93 | 40.30% | $0.0216 | |
EPS-WBNB | ApeSwapFinance LPs | 0x97c4C531e739E870d958940E8688017894084003 | $1,598.43 | 0.65% | $0.0215 | |
EPS-BUSD | MDEX LP Token | 0x05Bc53aBE321Ece4330E500C1693C490E2Af1E84 | $1,589.26 | 0.65% | $0.0215 | |
EPS-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0x43bc6C256240e657Ad84aFb86825E21B48FEDe78 | $213.06 | 0.09% | $0.0396 | |
EPS-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x5A6a7D0887E6C889534BA9772a895196F9e486B4 | $71.17 | 0.03% | $0.0409 | |
EPS-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x9f9fdb1f1294834f0f72717c2412dcbdc31d9982 | $59.67 | 0.02% | $0.0400 | |
EPS-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xf67c70fd0c4d18a47c7218953a6c449ca66b4de5 | $26.93 | 0.01% | $0.0401 | |
EPS-CAKE | Pancake LPs | 0x26e0f40f4857262d545545dE76c8e761C9FB786F | $18.89 | 0.01% | $0.0379 | |
EPS-Cake | Pancake LPs | 0xaad6dc6fd1c06a1d5b60d719c385297732bdefe3 | $15.26 | 0.01% | $0.0433 | |
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Ellipsis EPS is an exchange for stable coins on the Binance Smart Chain. It allows for stable coins swap with very low slippage and minimal fees. Ellipsis Finance was officially launched on March 2021 and is an authorized fork of Curve Finance. EPS is a Revenue Earning token with token stakers earning fees from the Ellipsis protocol. Fees will be equally split 50%-50% between EPS stakers and Liquidity Providers Reward Pool and Staking Pool. Liquidity providers will receive their EPS from a reward pool.
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