Data platform for DeFi investors and protocols

Track your liquidity pool gains and impermanent loss and get the data you need to know when to enter and exit liquidity pools or yield farms to maximize your returns. Find the most profitable opportunities before others


Track your liquidity providing performance and impermanent losses across chains and AMMs

Manage your liquidity pools and track impermanent losses for more accurate profit calculation.


Monitor your vault and farming activities, and calculate your net profits

Track your yield farming activities and automatically calculate your farming rewards.


Analyse pools historic APYs and find the best liquidity pools before everyone

Discover the best liquidity pools before anyone else. Compare pool performance by APY, impermanent loss, and collected fees.

Find new pools to join

Monitor your positions for impermanent losses

Our features

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Partnering for the future of DeFi

We are proud to have partnerships with some of the largest players, to grow the development of Decentralised Finance and Liquidity Providing
