BNB Chain |
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Pair | Name | Contract Address | Liquidity | LP Share | USD Price | |
SAFEMOON-WBNB | Pancake LPs | 0xff3dd404afba451328de089424c74685bf0a43c9 | $4,802,848.81 | 99.29% | $0.00000001 | |
SAFEMOON-WBNB | Biswap LPs | 0x3668Ca2009aF4c0a4a9e258EF69eAD1FabbfB7da | $28,511.98 | 0.59% | $0.00000086 | |
SAFEMOON-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xef967e3da982ecc1c84bbe6053fd61af2a65bb9a | $1,944.22 | 0.04% | $0.00000081 | |
SAFEMOON-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0x581740Fd44964148ac9BB53433c25bDFE9d5188D | $996.31 | 0.02% | $0.00000086 | |
SAFEMOON-CAKE | Pancake LPs | 0xf93FdC895aCA65d7b457a47894d1F95911b7215a | $992.14 | 0.02% | $0.00000020 | |
SAFEMOON-Cake | Pancake LPs | 0x56f92090bb2539d4b409707e3b564239558a7f1a | $694.67 | 0.01% | $0.00000019 | |
SAFEMOON-BUSD | Pancake LPs | 0xcc6b11de64dce6e5052a84b67cbbfd210ed530f7 | $573.54 | 0.01% | $0.00000056 | |
SAFEMOON-PIT | Pancake LPs | 0xfe2757f146017fc328bcc9b0745f0a7e57e48ad4 | $358.14 | 0.01% | $0.00000080 | |
SAFEMOON-ETH | Pancake LPs | 0xcee09ae86a78ce0cea3a4ea8cced5d41c0468e67 | $190.53 | 0.00% | $0.00000071 | |
SAFEMOON-USDT | Pancake LPs | 0xfb7deb2236815222113d949d935cca4901531677 | $144.72 | 0.00% | $0.00000069 | |
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Safemoon is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. It was released to the public in March of 2021 with the catchphrase "safely to the moon" which means that it will quickly rise in price. The currency quickly reached over one million holders after launch, confirming the catchphrase. Safemoon has a flat 10% fee on transactions, 5% of that is reflected to token holders and 5% redirected to wallets of differing cryptocurrencies. In September of 2021, Safemoon wallet app was released on Google Play.
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